Thursday 22 March 2018

Aircrack-ng Automated | Bash Script

                                                                                           image source:
Got tired of typing commands for cracking wifi Passwords in the terminal? Here I made a solution for that. I was trying to reduce the time and effort made in typing commands for using aircrack-ng suite.
So I made a bash script for automation of aircrack-ng, which i am going to share with you. And you can make any type of changes in the script as you like. Although the script is working fine.

  1. You just have to download the script.
  2. Make that executable.
  3. Run the script with root privilege.

And just go with the flow.
Remember that, You can always ask for the wifi password or pay for that to owner.

As I said the script can be modified as required. Let me know if you need help.

Thank You.


  1. did u write this same script like in 2010? i've been using one just like yours since then :O

    1. oh its not my unique invention. its just a wrapper script for aircrack-ng automation during my early days, posted hoping new guys could get help learning some bash. not more than that


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